Error message received: ```
Ctl Model Ports PDs DGs DNOpt VDs VNOpt BBU sPR DS EHS ASOs Hlth
0 LSIMegaRAIDSAS9260-8i 8 20 3 1 3 1 Msng On 1&2 Y 2 NdAtn
… … … Controller 0 :
EID:Slt DID State DG Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model Sp Type
24:7 23 Failed 1 10.913 TB SATA HDD N N 512B ST12000NM0007-2A1101 U -
From those messages, we know this is Controller 0 or `c0`, enclosure 24 or `e24`, and slot 7 or `s7`. To get the serial number:
`sudo /opt/megaraid/storcli /c0/e24/s7 show all | egrep 'Device attributes|SN = '`
or generically
`sudo /opt/megaraid/storcli /c${controller_id}/e${enclosure_id}/s${slot_id} show all | egrep 'Device attributes|SN = '`